

I just switched the blog over from .Mac to Blogspot. It makes it look more like a blog, lets my dear readers (both of you) post comments, and generally makes it more streamlined and better to read. I still can't figure out the photo posting though. Hope you like it. Narf.

Snakes on a Plane!

There’s a trailer online now for a little flick called Snakes On A Plane. Samuel L. Jackson stars. It looks to be all that the name implies. Snakes in cleavage, snakes eating cats, snakes being whipped around by Sam Motherfucking Jackson. This is news to me, though I guess its been making the rounds on the internet for a while. They wanted to change the title to Pacific Air 201, but Jackson made them change it back because “that’s the only reason I took the job: I read the title.” Right on, man. Don’t try to dress this shit up: it’s snakes on a plane. You get what you pay for. Bravo.

The Fugees Still Hate Each Other.

Don’t get me wrong–I’m just as glad as you are that they got back together. But their performance in the Block Party was just alright, and I think Ms. Hill is still crazy. I mean, maybe she’s a little bit less crazy, but you don’t bounce back from the crazy depths she reached in two years. I don’t think. It’s not that she didn’t have reason to go crazy, but still, bitch was craaaaazy. The single was pretty good, but the new album keeps getting pushed back, leading me to wonder if it even exists. Perhaps this explains the undesirable January release date originally announced. One thing’s clear though: if they ever make it far enough to do so, the Fugees reunion tour is going to be one of the most spectacular train wrecks in years.

Here we go

Everyone else has a blog. Now it’s time for me. The idea here is to absorb culture–film, books, TV, theatre, comics, music, whathaveyou–and then ramble on to the good people of the internet about it. I don’t know who’s going to want to read it, other than my friends, but they have to hear my bullshit all the time anyway. Oh well. Stay tuned, I'm hoping to make it bigger and better as I go.